Thursday, May 17, 2018

A Few Seconds

A Few Seconds

‘Tis the season of graduation parties, weddings, bridal showers, barbecues, picnics, ice cream. . ., a season difficult for those of us overly attracted to food. 

A couple of weeks ago, I attended my eldest grandson’s graduation party.  His parents presented to the party goers a buffet of enticing Mexican foods—burritos with all the fillings and sauces, chips and salsa or guacamole plus a candy buffet (kids loved it) with Swedish fish, kissin’ cousin of cherry Twizzlers, M & M’s . . . .  When I’d finished my serving of burrito and chips, you know what?  I craved more.  I wasn’t hungry; I just wanted the continued pleasure of good taste.  So, I went to the candy buffet—mistake.  I can’t eat just one Swedish Fish. 

Do you relate?  When you eat food at such events, do you find yourself craving more?

Eating involves so much—satisfying hunger, of course, providing nutrients to the body. When we eat with others, eating provides fellowship.  But eating is also a sensual pleasure.  We like the feel of food in our mouths and the pleasure of taste.  Thus, that pleasure  provides comfort in times of anger, sadness, frustration, even in times of joy, right?  Let’s celebrate—with food.

God provides food for us.  He created our bodies, so also He provides the nutrients our bodies need for health.   Food is not an evil, but we humans have­­, at times, distorted the appropriate use of food.

As I think of  times I crave more food than I need or use food for comfort, I think of those few seconds before I choose to have a second helping, even though I’m no longer hungry, or when I stop for an ice cream cone, but I’m not hungry.  Those few seconds before I act when a still, small voice speaks in my heart, saying, “You really don’t need or want that.  Turn away.” 

And I am reminded, God never tempts us, but He always provides a way out. The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure. 1Cor. 10:13, New Living Translation.

In those few seconds before we reach our hands out to take food we don’t need, the Holy Spirit speaks to our hearts and provides to us the power to turn away.

May you enjoy happy, healthy eating.

                                                                                                                        By Sharon Witty
                                                                                                                        May 17, 2018

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Pleasing to God

Spring is a season of newness and I love that about spring. So to give me a fresh start on my healthy weight plan I have returned to an idea that has worked for me in the past: logging what I eat each day. Writing down everything I put in my mouth helps me see the volume and quality of what I ingest. That is beneficial in evaluating the amount of empty calories – those that provide no value to my body: no protein, no vitamins; just calories and a temporary delight, especially things like potato chips and candy.

Just looking at what I eat helps me see if I’m getting enough protein, vegetables, healthy fats, and fruits. I can visually consider the balance of the foods; how would that look on the food pyramid or a divided plate. The daily food log confirms when I’m doing a great job or offers glaring evidence when I’m heading the wrong direction. A personal food log can help us become “His Best” as Sharon shared last time.

“…Offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind,” (Romans 12: 1-2 NIV).

I want my body to be pleasing to God so I must resist the temptations that the world offers. All of those food commercials on television! The aisles of snack foods in the grocery store! The junk food for sale at track meets and baseball games!

Let us claim the strength of the Holy Spirit to help us create healthy food logs in the weeks of spring that remain. God is so good! He provides a helper for the exact moments we need Him. May God bless you.

Gloria D. Stewart