Sharing Glory, the blog Sharon Witty and I share authoring, was established to help encourage others who also struggle with food issues. We alternate writing the blog and find ourselves being helped as much as the readers, we suppose.
Eating healthy is an honorable goal but it is not usually an easy one. We are tempted daily, if not hourly, by the multitude of food available to us. Some is healthy and delicious and some is not. Unfortunately the “not so healthy” category is large and promoted on television, in publications, at your mother’s table, at restaurants, and even on giant billboards and at the State Fair.
The temptations won’t go away. We have to learn to avoid them, resist them, ignore them, or deal with them in a healthy manner. The all-or-nothing process doesn’t work well. If we avoid a certain tempting food, say cake or ice cream, we will ultimately reach a breaking point somewhere down the road and be swallowed up by an attack of eating-everything–in sight. If that never happens to you, feel very blessed.
Health improvement plans always need to start in the same place: your doctor’s office. Get your doctor’s approval before beginning any fitness, weight-loss, or health-improvement plan.
No one can do it for you.
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I [Jesus] have come that they may have life, and have it to the full,” (John 10:10 NIV).
Satan is the tempter. He comes to steal our wellness and kill our will power and destroy our health. It is up to us to fight the battle with the best tool available – Jesus. Let’s aim for a good life and enjoy it to the full! Amen.
Gloria D. Stewart