Thursday, March 15, 2018

Fear, Timidity, Love and Self-discipline

As I sat down to the computer to prepare my post for this month, I had no idea what to write, so I acted wisely—I prayed!!  The following thoughts came to mind.

 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline”
 (I Tim. 1:7, (New Living translation).

Earlier this month, Gloria shared with us her thoughts on this verse, reminding us to stick post-it notes around our homes to keep us focused on the task before us.  I’d like to continue reflecting on this verse.

I returned  home Tuesday, March 13, from a trip to Florida where I visited my husband’s brother and his wife, and gathered with three high school friends, one of whom lives in Florida.  The week was a blessed time of fellowship. 

As with any vacation, food was a definite part of it.  As I reflect on this verse from Second Timothy, I think of the fear and timidity I often feel around others when sharing food.  I am timid about turning down food offered to me/prepared for me by others.  I fear offending them, yet I know how overeating or eating certain foods sets up a craving within me that is often difficult to curtail.  Although I did say, “no” while in Florida, I said “no” with fear and self-consciousness.

And the thought comes to me if I know I am going into such a situation, I need to prepare myself by praying—praying for a spirit of love and of self-discipline, praying that the Holy Spirit give me the words to say, in love, to turn down food I know is harmful to me and that He fill me with the self-discipline I need to turn down such foods.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Claim God’s Power as Your Own

Sharon’s last blog was “Self-Control”. God led me to 2 Timothy 1:7 during another Bible study this month so I’m going to follow God’s pathway and Sharon’s lead because it must be the direction I need to go.

I am empowered when I read this scripture in 2 Timothy. And I know I really need to be empowered. I’m going to post this verse in noticeable spots around the house so I can be reminded and remember the promise God gives me and you!

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline,” (2 Timothy 1:7 NIV).

Positive self-talk and reminder notes of encouragement really help me keep my focus on God and what He can do in my life. This weight-loss/healthy-diet/healthy-body challenge that we share feels like a mountain climb at times. That’s how this blog was established. Sharon and I hoped that God could use us to help others who struggle, too.

Try writing this scripture and posting it somewhere and let it speak to you in the weeks ahead. And claim God’s spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline as your very own.

Gloria D. Stewart