Thursday, June 7, 2018

Catch Up Days

Recently, I’ve been doing better on my healthy plan - logging my food, exercising, eating the right foods most of the time, and staying active. But, I’ve noticed I still have one bad day a week. Usually it follows several really good days or a day of heavy exercise. I feel like those bad days undo all the work I’ve done the rest of the week.

So I need to control myself some how on those “catch up days”. Do you have days like that? When you feel you could eat anything in sight or within reach? Maybe our bodies are trying to tell us something. And we should listen. Did I have enough protein the day before? What did I miss on my plate? Was it a balanced diet? Am I constipated? It’s always good to stop and ask yourself why? And it would be best to stop myself before I have the day of non-stop eating.

There are always challenges. Right now these “catch up days” are my problem. I’m searching for answers and will try to do better in the weeks ahead. The important thing is to not give up. ‘Don’t throw the baby out in the bathwater’…so they say. 

Take heart, the Bible says, “The righteous eat to their hearts’ content, but the stomach of the wicked goes hungry,” (Proverbs 13:25 NIV).

Have a blessed day.
Gloria D. Stewart

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