Thursday, January 3, 2019

Resolve To...

Happy New Year! 

It is the traditional season of resolutions that quickly drift away like clouds. We say, “This year will be different!” But, sometimes it isn’t. The only thing we can do is start living a life of healthy eating and exercise paired together. Then choose to make the right choices as often as possible everyday in the coming year. One day at a time. 

Today I plan to start fresh, leaving behind the past two weeks of overeating on sweets and begin again with a clean whiteboard and a clean cupboard and refrigerator. Eating healthy and exercise will be my theme and I will trust God to help me. I pray for God’s help to avoid yummy temptations, to ease my cravings for sweets, and to desire good, fresh food instead. And to desire more exercise. 

The key for me was finding something I love to do. That is water aerobics, but for you it may be walking or Zumba or weigh lifting. It is also helpful to ask someone to join you, especially if you are just getting started. Or ask a friend to pray for you and be your accountability partner. Having a friend who meets you and holds you accountable is a great help to both of you.

Might I also suggest turning to the Word of God for inspiration. “Lift up my eyes to the hills—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth,” (Psalm 121:1-2 NIV). 

May you be blessed in your resolve this 2019!
Gloria D. Stewart
January 3, 2019

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