Thursday, September 5, 2019

Strength to Change

        Today I want to eat. Nonstop. When I paused, I decided I needed something to chew so I found a piece of gum. That appeased the urge to eat and probably gave time for my brain to realize I was full. I have this trouble often but I forget to try the gum.
       Why don’t I learn? I binge mindlessly. The problem is I’m stuffing, pushing down emotions or feelings instead of eating for nourishment or true hunger. Emotional eating is common among those of us who struggle with overeating. But, there are options. Instead of continuing to eat, we can take a walk, ride a bike, read a book, go for a car ride, call someone, type, sew, mow, hand wash the dishes, build something or do anything that keeps our hands busy. We can also pray. So why is it the last thing I think of doing?
       “Summon your power, O God; Show us your strength, O God, as you have done before,” (Psalm 68:28 NIV).
       It takes strength to resist those powerful urges and cravings. I count on God’s strength to help me change my behavior. It doesn’t happen overnight for me and I revert back to my inappropriate ways too often. But, I must keep trying and working and God will care for me with His strength.
       I don’t give up. I must remember God loves me just the way I am but He will cheerfully help me when I ask. Let’s try it and see.

Gloria D. Stewart

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