Thursday, October 3, 2019

Living Healthy

One of the most common reasons to lose weight is the desire to be healthy. The challenge is how to do that? It is so easy to relax in our “normal” routine…complete with all our behaviors that work against healthy. It helps to have a plan to follow so we can begin to develop healthy habits. There are several ways to start this process.

First, establish a good mindset. Remember we are made in God’s image. He made us and we are His. I once heard someone say, “God don’t make no junk”. We are God’s beloved no matter what size jeans we wear.

Next, we need to figure out what behavior we need to change and why we have the behavior. For instance, every night before bed we have a bowl of ice cream. Say we want to change that behavior. Why do we have that behavior? It is a habit. Instead, think of something to keep our hands busy during that hour when we’re tempted.  Do a puzzle, knit, sew, iron clothes, do a Bible study or read a book. Create a new habit to replace the old one. And don’t buy any more ice cream!

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect,” (Romans 12:2 ESV).

Spend time with God. Getting our priorities straight helps in all areas of our life. Ask God to help us make the change we selected. Ask this every day, throughout the day. Whenever we are tempted to fall back into that bad habit, pray.

Work on one habit at a time. Choose a specific goal and focus on it. Don’t get overwhelmed by making too many changes at once. The changes probably won’t last.

Finally, remember that no one is perfect. Accept God’s grace when we mess up.

By Gloria D. Stewart

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