Thursday, February 20, 2020



            Old Mother Sharon, she went to the shelves of her brain this morning for blog posting ideas, and the shelves?   They were bare.  So I took the best action I could:  I prayed, and Spirit filled my mind with the following thoughts.
            Do you ever become embarrassed or ashamed of your food thoughts or actions?  I do.  I’m embarrassed that I seem to think about food all the time, except when I am sleeping, and sometimes I wonder about those hours.  After breakfast I think about how many hours to lunch and what I am going to have for lunch.  After lunch I think about supper and what I am going to have for supper. After supper I think about what I’ll have for breakfast the next day.
            If I eat out or am at a writing workshop, after I have finished the food on my plate, I often think, “I’d really like more of that mac and cheese.”  Ninety nine percent of the time, it’s not that I am still hungry.  No, it’s either that I don’t want to stop having the sensual pleasure of eating or that I really like the mac and cheese or both.
            I’m embarrassed and ashamed of/by these thoughts.  I don’t want anyone to be able to read my mind.
            So the question is what do I do about it?  One thing I know is this:  I do not need to be embarrassed or ashamed of myself—ever, for I am God’s child, and I am loved.
            Because God loves me, the Holy One gave me a verse, showing me what to do about  constantly thinking about food:  “. . .the mind controlled by the Spirit is Life and Peace”  (Romans 8:6, NIV).
            Peace—that’s what I want.  I want my mind to be at peace, resting in and thinking of the Lord.
            I pray you also, Reader, may have peace of mind.

                                                                                                                                   Sharon Witty

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