Thursday, August 5, 2021

A Time to End

Dear Readers,

After 97 blog entries, SharingGlory is coming to an end. We have decided to end the blog on overeating and weight management ideas. Our goal was to be a friend who understood the challenges of overeating, struggling with weight management, and provide encouragement because we share the same struggles. We selected scripture related to the topic to show how the Bible is a source for answers to every problem, even overeating.


Thank you for sharing our thoughts on this, often difficult, aspect of life.


Although we will no longer be writing the blog on the first and third Thursdays of the month, the blogs we have written will still be available at You can search through the topics by title and date or read them randomly to find one that speaks to you.


Remember at the end of the day, God always loves you.


Blessings, Gloria and Sharon

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