Welcome to our new blog, Sharing Glory.
Sharon Witty and I, Gloria Stewart, are partnering to write a weekly blog
offering encouragement for the struggles of overeating and weight management.
Sharon: “I’ve had a love affair with food (loving it and hating it) since I was
a young girl. My mother called me “chubby.” That “chubbiness” turned
to being “fat” when I was 12, and it remained so until I was 50 (I’m 73 now and
have been at a normal weight since I was 56). During those years between
12 and 50, I tried a variety of diets, and I lost weight. Then I would
gain those pounds back plus more. By sharing my experiences with others,
I’d like to encourage others who struggle with loving food and with hating it,
who struggle with overeating, showing them they’re not nuts, they’re not bad
people; they’re God’s beloved children. To write such a blog has been a
desire of my heart for the past 10 years. The other half of my heart’s desire
has been to share how God has graced me to reach a normal weight and to
stay here.
everything in God’s time. This summer at a writing conference, Gloria and
I discovered we each had such a heart’s desire, so here we are, teaming up to
expose our hearts, our lives to you, the reader.
Gloria: “I am in the battle for weight loss--Again. At the age of 62, I find it
more difficult than ever to lose weight and yet I’m just as tempted as ever to
dig in to a yummy, creamy piece of pie or dessert. And I have aches and pains
that make exercise a real challenge. Through this blog I hope you find a friend
who understands your struggles and offers inspiration, practical tips, and a
listening ear for what you are going through. We will share our own
difficulties and some of the ideas that helped us along the way. Our focus will
always include using our faith in God to help us through the valleys we face.
If nothing else, we hope to provide a laugh at ourselves that lifts your
we are just beginning this new venture, I feel it is fitting to share a
scripture that’s also from the beginning:
“When the woman saw that the fruit
of the tree was good for food and pleasing for the eye, and also desirable for
gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband,
who was with her, and he ate it,” (Genesis 3:6 NIV).
recently mentioned how interesting it is that the first sin involved food. I
hadn’t thought about that before but isn’t it appropriate that a struggle with
food that has affected so many people for so many years, has been in existence
since the Garden of Eden!
certainly aren’t in this alone. God knows we are tempted by food. He knows we
are sinners and that many of our sins are related to food. Jesus Christ came to
free us from this sin and all our sins with His own blood so we could have a
relationship with God. That is where the answer can be found. We hope you will
join us on this journey and together we will explore the path and move toward
the destination we each desire.
Thank you! I am so looking forward to reading this! I have had a love/hate relationship with food all of my life. I am 8# from my goal....and that is where I fluctuate...20# up at times...I would love some tips!! I am a Lifetime WW member who doesn’t go to meetings.