Thursday, October 5, 2017

Taking the First Step

So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace,” (Romans 8:6)

When it comes to eating, I have been out of control for months now. Every single day I tell myself I have to change, but every night I go to bed as a failure. Maybe that’s why I don’t want to get out of bed in the morning. As long as I stay in bed, I’m not eating. Some days go really well, then I trip over something sweet and I fall into a tailspin. How can I encourage you, when I’m such a mess?

Today I am determined to take the first step toward a changed life. Most of my eating trouble comes from eating when I am alone. I must remove all the temptations from the house. Check all my hiding places and empty out my stash of illegals (of late: the individually-wrapped cream-filled frosted cupcakes that I could eat the box of eight in one sitting – though I usually make it two).

Now that I’ve totally humiliated myself before you, I need to establish an accountability partner who can challenge me to stay on the right path. Since my husband is nearly always with me, I’m going to recruit him to help me. I’m going to tell him when I’m craving something and ask him to remind me of healthy options. I’m going to eat only when he is with me.

If I make these two changes (removing all temptations from the house and being accountable to someone) I think I will be off on the right foot.

When or what is your biggest eating issue? What can you do to change it? Give it a try and find someone to be your accountability partner. Let’s get started together, today. Post your struggles and successes as a comment. We can do this!

Remember: At the end of the day, God still loves us!

By Gloria

October 5, 2017

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