Thursday, July 19, 2018


This past weekend became a difficult one.  Oh, not on the outside.  Someone watching me may have commented, “Sharon’s having a good weekend,” as she observed me buying healthy foods at the Farmer’s Market, then finding bargains at a yard sale and even sitting on my patio, reading a fictional novel.
            But the watcher would not have been able to see the battle going on in my mind and heart, a battle between food cravings and me.  Had oatmeal raisin cookies, caramel nut ice cream and/or Fritos to be found in my cupboards or freezer, I’m not sure they would have still been there at 9 p.m. on Sunday.
            Did I turn to the Holy Spirit during this battle?  Nope.  I kept fighting on my own power, which was exhausting.  Finally, finally, I cried out to the Lord, “What is going on?”
            The answer came quickly, “You’re bored.”  That answer was right on.  I had been looking to myself as to what I needed or wanted to do, rather than asking the Holy Spirit, “What next?”
            Paul tells us in 1 Thessalonians to “Pray without ceasing” (5:17, New American Bible).  Personally, I don’t think this means to be using words all the time, but to be aware of God’s constant presence, of the Holy One’s unfailing love.
            What would have happened had I cried out “Jesus, help me,” early on during my struggle?  I suspect help would have come, my cravings ceased and peace descended into my heart.
            Now I pray this lesson learned be a lesson applied.

                                                                                                                        Sharon Witty
                                                                                                                        July 19, 2018

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