Thursday, July 5, 2018

What About Portion Control?

Sharon Witty and I started this blog one year ago at the end of July. So Sharon will get the honor of writing an anniversary blog in two weeks. In 24 blogs we have discussed eating, dieting, and trusting God in many different ways, but I haven’t discussed one of my problem areas: portion control until today.

I have been using a small dinner plate for several months now, to try and scale (ugh) back the size of my portions. But, that isn’t working very successfully so I think it is time to start weighing my portions. There are some healthy foods (mostly vegetables and fruits) that I have been serving up rather liberally. It’s time to reel in the elastic pants and faithfully measure my food. I’m nearing a nice weight loss goal (one of several on my journey) but it has taken me far too long to reach it. I need to step up my progress and portion size may be key to achieving it.

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship” (Romans 12:1 NIV).

God wants me to be transformed in His image. I still have a long process of change ahead of me. I’ll never be perfect like Jesus, but my life is a constant gradient of striving toward that impossible goal. God wants to help me every step of the way. I just need to surrender to His will and do everything I can to move forward, even when I end up backsliding for a stretch.

We never face the struggles of our lives alone. God is with us, even when I’m reluctantly setting up the food scale on my counter. He will count it all joy. And so will I.

Gloria D. Stewart

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