Thursday, September 20, 2018



“Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall” (Prv. 16:18, Life Application Study Bible).  I lived that proverb this past week. 
On Saturday I began brainstorming about this blog posting and wrote the following words:  “This week has been a good week of eating.  I haven’t binged—not even on grapes!!  I’ve eaten nutritionally and the right amounts.  I feel blessed.  Grace, it’s all grace.”
            Guess what? On Sunday I binged on grapes and pineapple.
            Today I question myself:  What does God want me to learn from this?  Certainly, I am to realize pride, probably cockiness also? 
            I think the Wise One wants me to realize I may eat finger foods, but I need to sit down and eat a SERVING of a finger food.  Instead, last Sunday I set the bowl of grapes on the kitchen counter, put a few in my hand and played Word for Friends on my phone as I ate the grapes and coming back to the bowl whenever the handful was gone.  I can eat a lotta grapes (or potato chips, or chunks of pineapple, or popcorn or, nuts,  or . . .) that way.
            When I eat “on the go,” or while watching TV, texting, or reading, I am unaware of how much I am eating.  Being unaware of what I’m putting into my mouth causes me to eat more than I need.
            So the lesson I’ve learned this week is that whether snacking or eating a meal, I need to sit, preferably at a table, and be conscious of how much food I eat.

                                                                                                                        Sharon Witty
                                                                                                                        September 20, 2018

P.S.  I also learned it’s not wise to be cocky about one’s “good” behavior.

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