Thursday, October 18, 2018



On Monday afternoon I picked up a few groceries at Aldis.  Even though they were only 99 cents a pound, I walked past the grapes (Note to Sharingglory newcomers:  Grapes are my nemesis.  I can easily graze through a pound—or two—in a day).  Now that’s not to say I didn’t look at them longingly and lovingly, BUT I didn’t succumb to placing any in my cart for purchase.  I made it home without any grapes in my bag.
            That wasn’t my power that strengthened me.  It was Holy Spirit power.
            That thought leads me to a sermon Fr. Tom Braak gave at a daily Mass a few days ago.  As he discussed addictions, he stated, “We cannot go it alone.”
            As far as I’m concerned, food addiction is just as real as alcoholism, drug addiction, shopping addiction, etc.  But we overeaters cannot give up food, for we have to eat; we must keep our Temples healthy  (1Cor. 6:19 NIV).
            Scripture tells us we “. . . can do all things through Christ who is our strength” (Phil. 4:13).  But Christ no longer walks the earth in person, so the Holy One sends beings with skin into our lives to help and support us. 
Through the years, I’ve received help within weight management groups, especially Weight Watchers and Overeaters Anonymous, from Bible study sisters, from Gloria’s blog posts and, of course, from the Holy Spirit.
            Who is your help and support?  Like Fr. Braak, I encourage each of us to reach out for help, to ask for help, whether it be to be held accountable, or for prayer and advice, let’s seek the help we need to keep our Temples healthy.

                                                                                                                                    Sharon Witty


  1. Your encouragement is always appreciated, Sharon... even though I may not comment on each post. Blessings!
