Thursday, February 21, 2019


February 21, 2019


I try to free write every week day (note:  I don’t always achieve this lofty goal).  Last Friday, February 15, I chose to write on the topic of “demons.”  Strange topic, right?  But hear me out.
            Often when we think of “demons,” we think of spiritual demons, i.e., Satan.  But most of us have personal demons, or “issues” we also call them.
            Ever since I was a child of some five years (back in the Dark Ages), compulsive overeating has tormented me.
            As I continued to write about my compulsive overeating, I began to “see” that through the years the Holy Spirit has taken me on a journey, and I realized the healing the Wise One has brought about within me—a bad eating day today is still 95% better than my worst eating day 20, 30, 40 years ago.
            The journey on which the Holy Spirit has taken me led me to being involved in various weight management groups, each giving me tools which helped heal me a little more.
            Each group guided me to daily recording my food intake.  I continue to use this tool presently so that I am aware of what I eat not only daily, but also weekly.  Today, I share my chart with you.  If such a tool can be helpful to you, feel free to use it. Tweak it to fit your needs.









            As I neared the end of my reflection last Friday, I became aware that God’s healing in this area of my life is one more example of how much the Holy One loves me—how much God loves each of us, for “Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you.  Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life (Psalm. 143:8, NIV).”

                                                                                                                                    Sharon Witty

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