Thursday, March 7, 2019

Our Daily Bread

I didn’t use to like bread. Unfortunately that has changed during my lifetime.  Now I love bread. Especially if it has butter generously spread on top…or layered with cheese. Or sweet moist breads like pumpkin or banana or poppy seed or turned into cinnamon rolls… Have I gone on long enough to make you hungry for bread?  

Bread is a staple. If you have bread, you have a meal. Just top it with peanut butter, or jam, or a slice of meat and you have all you need. There are hundreds of kinds of bread, I’m sure, and just as many ways to enjoy eating it.

I remember coming home from school and my mother had freshly baked cinnamon rolls and wonderful crescent rolls hot from the oven. The house smelled wonderful. The moment was heavenly.

Those memories we have and cherish also create a desire to relive that time by eating the same food again. Those foods become our comfort foods. The ones we turn to during emotional crises. The ones we eat yet they don’t satisfy because we are trying to fill an emotional emptiness instead of a physical hunger. Why not follow the suggestion offered in Isaiah?

Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare,” (Isaiah 55:2 NIV).

Those are definitely words to live by. 

Gloria D. Stewart

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