Thursday, July 4, 2019

Our Bodies Aren’t Our Own

       “They [our bodies] were made for the Lord, and the Lord cares about our bodies,” (1 Corinthians 6:13 NLT).
       I am tempted by sweets. Very tempted. In fact, I think I am addicted to sweets. I have to stay away from them completely; then I can reject them--only then. If I give in to that large vanilla shake from DQ it will lead to a cookie from the bakery, or a candy bar from the vending machine, or both.
       This verse reminds me that God sees what I put in my body. He listens to my thoughts as I decide on my next morsel. He understands when I select vegetables that I am trying to be healthy. And when I partake of the delicious cream-filled cake that slides down my chin, God knows I am letting my stomach call the shots. 
       I feel embarrassed that God knows I can eat a half-gallon of ice cream in three bowls but just one sitting. I’m ashamed of the volume of food I can eat if I’m given the chance, usually being by myself. 
       When I pay attention to God and acknowledge God’s possession of my body as a temple, I find different things taste sweet and wonderful. Carrot sticks are really delicious. Sweet peas get their name from their yumminess. Cucumbers and tomatoes, fresh from the garden, offer lip-smacking lusciousness. 
       The bonus is how I feel after I’ve eaten them! I feel good: not embarrassed or ashamed or guilty. I feel great! Clean eating (without sugar and fat) is almost as good as being washed by Jesus’ blood. Not really, but for illustration, you get what I mean. Eating clean is a good choice to make for many reasons but today the best reason I can imagine is that it is the choice God wants me to make because He cares about my body.

Gloria D. Stewart

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