Thursday, January 16, 2020



            For the past five days, I have been “hanging out” with my 16-year-old grandson, while his parents vacation to celebrate my son’s 50th birthday (Gulp! I’m old enough to have a 50-year-old child!).
            Being widowed, I can carefully choose foods to purchase and bring into my home.
            That’s not the case in this home, so for the past five days, I have faced the temptations of chips, M&M cookies and ice cream.  The latter being the worst temptation.
            In one of the reflections I read this week, a featured Scripture verse was Matthew 14:29-30 during which Peter tried to walk on water.  But when Peter looked at the waves around him, he became frightened and cried out, “Save me, Lord”!
            As I think about these verses and meditate upon them, I realize they contain a guideline for living.  How easy it is when the waves splash high and become more and more severe (i.e., problems, worries, concerns, sorrows), life can become seemingly impossible.  How easy it is to be tempted and reach for the closest, most convenient comfort food, whether it be ice cream or grapes to stuff down the uncomfortable feeling.  But nothing can comfort me except the “Balm of Gilead,” (Jeremiah 8:22, NIV) and I must cry out, “Lord, save me”!

                                                                                                                                    Sharon Witty

Thursday, January 2, 2020

A New Year, A New Plan

How many times have you set a New Year’s resolution to lose weight or to exercise or both? Probably not as many times as I have! The New Year always seems like a good time to start something fresh, or make changes for the better in my life. However, it is the sticking with it that is tough.

Rather than resolving to lose those last 10 pounds, I think it is better to focus on taking good care of the body God has given me. I want to be healthy so I am able to do as much as I can with the body I have.  

It doesn’t feel good to sit around like a lump, not having energy to get up and walk across the room. God wants more of me than that! He has jobs for me to do, even though I’m retired. God wants me to minister to others, touch them with kindness or a note of encouragement.

It is a New Year and we have a new calendar in front of us. Let’s see if we can fill it with things that bring others joy. For when we do good to others we may just find we end up receiving rewards of our own. 

Rejoice and be glad because great is your reward in heaven,” (Matthew 5:12 NIV).

Gloria D. Stewart