Thursday, July 16, 2020

I Scream, You Scream. . .

I Scream, You Scream . . .

Last week four of us friends, one from Fort Dodge, two from State Center and one from Marshalltown, made picnic lunches for ourselves and met halfway at a Story City park.  We set up lawn chairs six feet apart and visited for three hours.  Catching up with these friends during this difficult time was blessing.
            NOTE:  I said we “made picnic lunches.”  During this pandemic time, because I don’t trust the safety of restaurants, I have chosen not to dine out.  Two of the others have made the same choice.
            But I am SO TIRED of cooking, and I sit on the pity pot every once in a while.  During those times “visions of ice cream often dance in my head.”  Ice cream would comfort me I’m sure.
            They began dancing as I started to leave Story City and dreaded having to make supper.  Suddenly, my car propelled itself through McDonald’s drive thru, and an ice cream cone appeared in my hand.        I ate the whole thing—and was nauseous for three hours.  Why?  I suspect  I was too hot and ate too fast..
            As I thought about my actions, God reminded me I need to listen to my body, which the Holy One has created.  I thought of Gwen Shamblin’s wise words in Weigh Down.  God has given my body a thermostat which guides me in when to eat, what to eat and how much to eat.  All I have to do is listen and follow through.
On that day, however, I chose to ignore my body when it said, ‘This is not a good idea.’
            In my reflecting, I am also reminded that God always loves me, regardless of a poor choice I may make in a split second.

. . .nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.  (Rom 8:39b NLT)

                                                                                                                                    Sharon Witty

Thursday, July 2, 2020


It seems I’ve been working on my weight forever. I have lost the same 10 pounds about 20 times and gained it back nearly every time.

One help I’ve found is an accountability partner. Mine is my husband. We are working at losing weight and getting healthier together and it is working. First he encouraged me to throw away all my ‘treats’…the hidden goodies that I turn to when no one is looking. That was a huge step in the right direction.

We have been eating salads for lunch and dinner and it is paying off on the scale. We also exercise together, taking hour-long walks at a challenging pace every day. I come home soaked with sweat in this heat and humidity.

It is easier to do something hard with a friend. If you need a boost in your health improvement plan, ask a friend to join you in an accountability partnership and see if that helps you make right choices. If you don’t feel comfortable asking anyone to be your accountability partner, be your own, with God. Get rid of everything unhealthy in the house that tempts you and take refuge in God. With each bite you take remember that the Lord is good. You will be blessed when you take refuge in God.

Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. (Psalm 34:8 NIV)

By Gloria D. Stewart