Thursday, July 2, 2020


It seems I’ve been working on my weight forever. I have lost the same 10 pounds about 20 times and gained it back nearly every time.

One help I’ve found is an accountability partner. Mine is my husband. We are working at losing weight and getting healthier together and it is working. First he encouraged me to throw away all my ‘treats’…the hidden goodies that I turn to when no one is looking. That was a huge step in the right direction.

We have been eating salads for lunch and dinner and it is paying off on the scale. We also exercise together, taking hour-long walks at a challenging pace every day. I come home soaked with sweat in this heat and humidity.

It is easier to do something hard with a friend. If you need a boost in your health improvement plan, ask a friend to join you in an accountability partnership and see if that helps you make right choices. If you don’t feel comfortable asking anyone to be your accountability partner, be your own, with God. Get rid of everything unhealthy in the house that tempts you and take refuge in God. With each bite you take remember that the Lord is good. You will be blessed when you take refuge in God.

Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. (Psalm 34:8 NIV)

By Gloria D. Stewart

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