Thursday, August 27, 2020






Good morning, Reader.  This is the fourth Thursday of the month.  Gloria forgot to post on the first Thursday of this month, and I forgot to post on the third Thursday of this month.  I just can’t understand why we forgot.  Why did Gloria allow a little thing like flying to Virginia with two granddaughters to visit her son and his family in Virginia cause her to forget to post her entry?  And why did I allow a minor event like a derecho to take my mind off posting to our blog?

Ah, yes, the derecho.  We are in the midst of enduring? surviving? Covid 19, the derecho and the bumps and challenges of our own personal lives.  How many persons have you heard say “2021 can’t come soon enough for me”?  How do we do it?  How do we survive during this time?  How do we live?  These have been my thoughts of late.

I have been fortunate; I know it; I recognize it, and I am grateful.  The building in which I live escaped the derecho with minor damage, and we had electricity within 32 hours (that I suspect was due to the grid in which we are located).  Yet I care about my community and recognize the suffering of others, so I take time to be grateful, to do what I am able to do for others and to pray—a lot.

Grateful.  Hm, I am grateful to be able to brew my cup of coffee, to be able to cook.  I am grateful I have food to cook and stores with stocked shelves in which I can buy more food when I need to.  I am grateful I have an intact roof over my head.  Actually, I am grateful I have a home in which to live.  I am grateful I have water and a functioning toilet.

Yes, I am fortunate and I remind my self that someday order will follow this disorder in which we live right now.  In the meantime:  “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:6-7, NIV)

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