Thursday, November 16, 2017

A Few Seconds can Make Such a Difference

November 15, 2017

Last night my granddaughter had a band concert in Ames.  Because I don’t drive out of town in the dark, I stayed overnight with my daughter’s family.  This morning as I left their place and began to drive home, my thoughts veered toward Kum & Go hot chocolate (I like this, but it isn’t on the anti-inflammatory diet I try to follow to fight osteoporosis).  I decided I was going to stop and buy one, but the Holy Spirit said, “No, you don’t need it.”

I knew the Spirit was right, but after all, I was hungry and home was a 45 minutes drive yet.  The Spirit responded, “You’ve eaten breakfast at 8:30 before and been just fine.”

I ignored the Spirit, turned into Kum & Go, bought the hot chocolate, drank it as I drove home and then was miserable—just as Gloria talked about last week.

Ever had such a conversation with the Spirit?  Through my years of compulsive overeating, dieting and following Jesus, I’ve had several such conversations.

St. Paul tells me, I can do all things through Him who strengthens me (Phil 4:13, New American Standard).

Even in such a situation as the one I’ve described, St. Paul is correct.  For I’ve begun to realize each time I reach for a food or drink that is not appropriate for me or that may lead to overeating, the Spirit speaks to me and gives me about 3 to 5 seconds to turn away from the self-destructive action (He strengthens me).  But He’s not going to slap my hand; I have been given self-will.  It’s up to me to do the right thing.

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