Thursday, December 21, 2017

Being the Best Me I can be

Being the best Me, I can be

In our last blog entry, Gloria stated her thought that she often overeats to satisfy an emotional need.  I totally agree with her.  During my years of horrible binging I ate when I was angry, sad, anxious, afraid. . ., but I also ate when I was glad or happy.

Although, presently, I don’t go on those types of horrible binges as I did for several years (Overeaters Anonymous, the Weigh Down program by Gwen Shamblin and the anti-inflammatory diet I follow 90% of the time today for health reasons have been instrumental in helping me—I believe these have all been grace, nothing but grace), I still struggle with overeating—eating anything more than I need is overeating.

When I returned home recently from a Christmas party at which I had eaten too much, was bloated and miserable, I began to think.  Scripture states that drunkenness and gluttony are sins (“For drunkards and gluttons come to poverty, and lazing about clothes one in rags,” Prv. 23:21), but why? I’m not hurting God if I eat too much.  But I hurt myself; I destroy myself.  And you know what?  Oftentimes, I hurt others when I’ve eaten too much, for I become grumpy, and I’m not kind or patient or gentle with others (Gal. 5:22-23).  I take my misery out on them.  Hm, God loves me (Rom. 8:37-39).  He wants me to be the best possible Sharon I can be; He wants You to be the best possible You, You can be.  And He has given us guidelines and the grace for being such.  Praise His holy name.

                                                                                                                                    Sharon Witty

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