Thursday, September 10, 2020





     Visions of pizza; thick, juicy hamburgers; tacos; bagels; pancakes; and ice cream have danced in my head for the past two weeks.  Why?

            I’m not sure.  I suspect the stress/depression/isolation of COVID-19 and the derecho damage to the community may have something to do with it.  I’m seeking comfort from the pain of living right now. 

            For many years, food was my drug of choice to escape pain and not just a little bit of food; I ate until my stomach hurt; until I hated myself, but the pain was gone—while I binged.  Will I ever forget the evening I ate a pound of whole wheat fig newtons and spent the whole night in the bathroom?

            Although I haven’t binged, in that way, for a long time, the beast of compulsive overeating lies quietly within me, waiting to roar, and it has the past couple of weeks.  How have I dealt with it?  I’ve white knuckled it.

            Silly me.  Finally, a couple of days ago, I realized, there’s an easier way—prayer.  Why do we forget God’s constant presence, constant love in our lives?  I suppose because we’re human.  But the Holy Spirit spoke to me, reminding me, “I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength” (Phil. 4:13, LBT).

            The craving for carbs may stalk me for a while, especially during this difficult time, but I don’t have to struggle with it on my own.  Isn’t that the answer to all our struggles—take them to the Lord and trust the Holy One, who loves us, to empower us?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Sharon Witty

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