Thursday, October 1, 2020

Taking the First Step

More than three years ago, Sharon and I started this blog with the idea of supporting and encouraging those, who like ourselves, struggle with overeating and weight management. We wanted to write a blog that was like a periodic friend who dropped by and understood eating challenges. 


It was interesting how this blog came about. We were at a writers’ workshop and were challenged to write down a next step. We both wrote down “to write a blog about overcoming overeating challenges.” After we prayed about it, God seemed to direct us to work together on this blog project.


One thing that we both realized is that our bodies change as we get older. We can’t eat the way we did when we were 40. We need exercise to keep the weight off. Walking has been good for both of us, and it is a habit that can begin one step at a time. Challenge yourself to walk farther than the day before and before long you will be walking a healthy distance.


Walking isn’t a new idea but it is one of the easiest exercises we can start with. No equipment is necessary and we don’t have to be in great shape to begin. Just remember: God loves us, whatever shape we are in, whether we exercise or not.


Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare,” (Isaiah 55:2 NIV). 

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