Thursday, October 15, 2020




             A church friend died unexpectedly last week.  I participated in the visitation and in the funeral.  Love filled the visitation atmosphere as friends and family members remembered and celebrated her life.

            When I returned home, what did I do?  I ate, of course.  I overate and went to bed, miserable, questioning why I overate.  Eating did not comfort me, her friends or her family.  Well, okay, comforted me while I was eating, but once the eating was over, I was not comforted.

            I awoke the next morning still miserable and angry with myself.

            My Prayer Corner beckoned me, so I went to it, turned on my prayer candle and picked up a reflection book.  The reflection of the day reminded me to be aware of God’s presence at all times.  NOTE:  That says “ALL times,” not just “sometimes,” but “all times.”  How easy it is for me to forget God’s presence.

            The Scripture verses referenced with that reflection were from Psalm 37.  Verse 5 particularly spoke to me:  Commit everything you do to the Lord.  Trust him and he will help you (NLT).

            I was reminded the Holy Spirit, who is with us ALL the time, knows everything we need—before we need it.  We can commit our eating to the Holy One—what we eat, when we eat and how much we eat. We can trust him for this, and he will help us.

            Happy, healthy, enjoyable eating to each of you.


                                                                                                                                    Sharon Witty

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