Thursday, November 5, 2020

Mindful Eating

How often do we hurry through a meal, barely tasting the food we ate? Hurry is the most common culprit for mindless eating. It can lead to over-eating when we haven’t given our stomachs time to register our fullness in our brains.


Mindful eating is a good practice that helps us focus on what we are eating. A slower method of eating allows us to focus on the aroma of the food, the beauty of the food’s presentation, and the real taste of the food.


A man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in his work,” (Ecclesiastes 2:24 NIV).


We need to be present when we eat – paying attention to each bite and savoring the flavor and fillingness of the food. We should allow ourselves to feel satisfaction after a meal.


This month of thankfulness is a good time to be mindful as we eat our meals. We are fortunate to have food to eat; let us praise God for our blessings – one bite at a time.


by Gloria D. Stewart

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