Thursday, January 7, 2021

Blank Pages

It is a new year and we have blank pages to fill. Are you ready for another year - if it's not too much like 2020? Maybe we can make 2021 a better year by taking control of ourselves. I won't encourage New Year's resolutions because they don't usually last, so let's work on one day at a time instead.

I like having blank pages to fill in and I like having new beginnings; a fresh start, a clean slate. First, I'm going to get rid of all the Christmas treats and goodies left over and stock the kitchen with healthy choices.

All I can do is take eating one day at a time. If I mess up one day by eating too much I'll start fresh the next day and not scold myself too much.

We have blank pages for 2021. Let's try and make the best of each new day and encourage ourselves, not feel defeated.

Eating healthy is a great choice for filling those blank pages. Let's try to get off to a great start this New Year - one day at a time.

"Give me only my daily bread," (Proverbs 30:8b NIV). 

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